Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Geriatric snow

Snow does not age gracefully.

When it first lands it covers the land like a soft layer of icing sugar. But over time the snow is compacted and dirtied by the animals that venture out into the harsh conditions (it was - 25 today). Salt and sand are thrown onto the street to increase traction (it looks muddy and gross but if the road is less slippery I appreciate it. I've had enough of skidding in the car and slipping over when I walk.). And animal excretions are frozen where they land, the cold preventing them from decomposing. All in all it destroys the fairy tale picture we have in Australia of a white christmas.

The infamous yellow snow.
Not the greatest photo but I was quite embarrassed to be photographing this particular subject. I get enough shit for taking photos of all the snow, let alone yellow snow.

In other news school was cancelled today. They have a policy that if it's -20 children up until grade 10 don't have to go to school and if it's -25 then everyone can stay home. And yes it reached -25. Wooo! The way it's going at the moment when it reaches -5 I'll be outside in my shorts screaming with joy. It's just so hard to do anything with this cold. Apparently I've had the luck of arriving in the coldest winter in 23 years. Yay for me. I just hope it's not too cold for the ice skating lessons to start on the weekend.

Tomorrow the class is going into Rīga to visit the American embassy. No one seems to be able to tell me why but I'm grateful for the day of school and the adventure. I'll report back tomorrow. :)

1 comment:

  1. Hey Zaiga.. you do not seem to have returned from the American Embassy...what happened?
