Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The universal language of ... theatre sports!

My host mother told me about a show that she thought I should go and see. It was a theatre sports concert. When she showed me the add I was like 'teatre sports'?? What the hell is that?? Do they get up on stage and act like they are playing sport? Or do they play sport while acting? ie. ice skating as Michael Jackson (which I have seen and it wasn't good, but more on that later.)

Anyway I wrote the English translation in my diary, 'Theatre Sports', and I left it. The next day I looked at it and it dawned on me. It was a theatre sports competition!! (For those of you who don't know http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theatresports).

After I worked this out I felt pretty stupid because I have some great mates who do Theatre Sports and I've been to a couple of performances before. So I was pretty excited about going to a Latvian version of the sport.

The first half hour was spent giggling. It was theatre sports in Latvian!! But it seems bad acting is also a global phenomenon and that you don't need to understand what they are saying to cringe. So the rest of the evening was rather painful. The eldest kids were good but still not quite the calibre of the deakin crew. :)
This is a picture of the beginning of a game of space jump. It was in Latvian!! :)

1 comment:

  1. Kind of like 'Dancesport' then I guess, modernising theatre to make it appealing to more people!
