Monday, January 11, 2010

Writing, writing, writing

Today I got to sleep in :) (my host bro and sis went earlier) but I slept in a little too long. It was an innocent mistake!! I did wake up earlier but I didn't trust my clock so I went back to sleep (those clocks can be so unreliable) :). Anyway in Australia when I'm late I normally run out of the house with wet hair and breakfast in my tummy (breakfast so has priority). But this morning I realised that if I did that my hair would most likely freeze on my head. So unfortunately the priority was to dry my hair. Then on top of my running late through sheer stupidity the gate was locked and I couldn't get out of the house!!! Luckily I got to school just on time. My first walk to school alone was a success!!

Today I had Biology, Literature, Chemistry, Maths, IT and English. They were all pretty chilled classes.

I officially love my Literature teacher. Today she set the rest of the class some work and then sat down beside me with a newspaper and made me read the headlines aloud. It sounds mean but she was so nice about it and she was the first teacher who doesn't speak English to try and include me in the class. I'm not sure how much work the rest of the class got done what with all the laughing going on.

In Biology and Chemistry I recognise things like DNA and Carbon but that's where it ends. So I spent those lessons drawing. Now I know the trick to becoming a good drawer, have boring classes!! (Why couldn't you have told me earlier Ella?)

Maths is annoying because I know the answer but I don't know how to say it. So I sit there in frustration. My challenge for Wednesday is to speak up!

IT is possibly my favourite lesson. Latvian schools haven't discovered those web page blockers yet so youtube here I come!

English is suprisingly hard. It;s making me think about the language in such a weird way and also when I'm asked to participate I have to try and speak in a way that contributes to the subject being taught. I had fun today trying to explain 'any old' as in 'choose any old number'.

The girls in my class love my accent and so much of the free time between classes today involved me repeating what they said and saying any of the sentences I knew. They quite liked 'I love you like a roast duck'. Thanks for that one mum. They love anything I say. The other day at the party I went to there was a wall with writing on it and I was given a pen and told to write something. So I pulled out an old classic "Tu esi zēns ar krūtīm" which means 'You are a boy with breasts". They loved it. :)After school we walked the post office so that I could post somethings (can't go into details, you never know who is reading this). It was pretty uneventful except that I had another encounter with the bitumen. Now the other side of my bum hurts :( .


This just in. I just had my first Piragi of the year!!! Mmmmmm.

Sorry for all the writing. I was just in a writey mood.
Love you all.

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