Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Clap clap for the ....

So in one of my previous posts I told you about how my Latvian teacher sat me down and got me to read from the newspaper aloud.

It was a really awkward situation because the rest of the class was working silently while I was stumbling through the headlines. I was feeling pretty embarrassed and I was very concious of my speech. After stumbling through a particularly difficult and funny sounding headline I chuckled to relieve some tension.

Only later did I find out that the headline I laughed about was talking a terrible fire.... oops.


  1. Hello Zaiga,
    I've never posted a comment on a blog before, there has to be a first for everything.

    Living on the other side of the world isn't always as glamourous as it sounds but you'll learn a lot. That being in a familiar culture but not feeling at home was hard for me when I lived in the London for 5 years. And I didn't have to deal with change of language.

    I'd love it if one of our two went to Spain for a while when they finish school but they haven't shown any interest.

    Julian starts Yr 12 in a couple of weeks and got his P's on Monday. I need to go up to the petrol station to refill the car this morning. He is wearing out the bitumen on the roads of the Gold Coast already.

    Really enjoyed reading your blog.
    Love from Victoria

  2. lolololollolollol!!!1!!!

    you must have felt liek a rly cool huntar!!!

